
About Our Curriculum

preschool in whitefield

Our Curriculum | Preschool in Whitefield

Integrated curriculum in a Montessori, Kindergarten, and Steiner approach at Little Oaks can offer a range of benefits that align with the principles of these educational philosophies. Here’s how each approach can benefit from an integrated curriculum at our school.

Montessori Approach:

  • Individualised Learning: Integrating curriculum in a Montessori setting allows for tailoring learning experiences to each child’s pace and interests. The integrated approach can provide a more holistic view of the child’s development and learning style.
  • Hands-On Exploration: Montessori emphasises hands-on, experiential learning. An integrated curriculum can enhance this by connecting different subjects through tangible activities, sparking curiosity and engagement.
  • Independence and Decision-Making: Integrated learning projects provide opportunities for children to make choices and decisions about their learning paths, fostering independence and responsibility.
  • Holistic Development: Montessorie values the development of the whole child—cognitive, social, emotional, and physical. An integrated curriculum supports this philosophy by addressing various aspects of growth simultaneously.
  • Natural Learning Connections: Montessori education recognizes that learning is interconnected. Integrating subjects allows children to see the relationships between concepts, promoting a deeper understanding of the world.

At Little Oaks Preschool in Whitefield , we believe in providing a comprehensive and enriching educational experience for young children. Our Preschool approach combines the best practices from play-based learning and the Steiner approach to create a balanced and harmonious learning environment.

Play-Based Learning: Kindergarten education at Little Oaks thrives on play-based learning. Our integrated curriculum infuses play with interdisciplinary activities, making learning more enjoyable and purposeful.

Social Interaction: We encourage collaboration among children, promoting social skills, teamwork, and communication—essential skills in kindergarten.

Early Literacy and Numeracy: At Little Oaks, we seamlessly incorporate early literacy and numeracy skills into hands-on activities and play, fostering a solid foundation for future academic success.

Creativity and Imagination: Our kindergarten education celebrates creativity and imagination. An integrated curriculum encourages children to use their creativity across different subject areas, leading to imaginative solutions.

Smooth Transition to Formal Schooling: We gently introduce children to the idea of subjects while maintaining the child-centered, play-oriented approach typical of kindergarten. This eases the transition to formal schooling.

Holistic Learning: Following the Steiner approach, we value the interconnectedness of the arts, academics, and life skills. Our integrated curriculum fosters a more holistic learning experience.

Artistic Expression: At Little Oaks, we incorporate arts and crafts across subjects, providing a platform for artistic expression and creativity.

Rhythm and Routine: Emphasizing daily rhythms and routines, our integrated curriculum seamlessly weaves different subjects into this rhythm, enhancing the predictability and comfort of the learning environment.

Nature and Outdoor Learning: We extend outdoor and nature-based learning experiences, aligning with Steiner’s emphasis on connecting children with the natural world.

Respect for Child Development: Our integrated curriculum respects the developmental stages of children, allowing them to explore concepts in ways that align with their cognitive and emotional growth.

Incorporating an integrated curriculum at Little Oaks Play School in Whitefield using these approaches creates a balanced, enriching, and harmonious learning environment that nurtures children’s diverse abilities, interests, and potential.

Little Oaks


Center Head

She has more than 9 years of experience in the preschool domain. She enjoys being around children. She is a contented person at heart who builds a very positive atmosphere around her. She believes that every child is unique and that they learn immensely by creating a happy conducive atmosphere. She is a patriot who hails from the family of a freedom fighter and educationists. She is an environmentalist, an animal lover, an artist, a poet and a music lover.